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Marriage in Ecuador?
Let Us Hope Not! (El Universo, Ecuador)
institution of marriage is seen as legal and natural, and based solely on the
union between a man and a woman. This is not just a problem of semantics or
prejudice but the pure reality of the law, which is firm in its intent to reject
homophobia without altering the essence of our legal institutions.”
By Alfonso Oramas Gross

Translated By Marisol Plata
May 12, 2012
- El Universo - Original Article (Spanish)
There is no doubt that President Obama’s recent decision to support gay marriage will shake up the U.S. election campaign. Little else can be expected from an issue that divides the nation in half and dilutes what is touted as political correctness within a volcano of radical positions. Here, only extreme options can coexist - such as considering gay marriage as either the threshold of hell or final redemption. Paradoxically, although the
president had supported gay rights, he had remained against legalizing gay
marriage, because he considered civil unions sufficient for guaranteeing such
It is necessary to comment briefly on U.S. law regarding
homosexual marriage. Civil union is defined as a lawful status that provides legal
protection for same-sex couples, but only at the non-federal level [states]. At
the same time, this entails a number of legal consequences such as non-recognition
in other states, immigration issues, and general tax and benefit issues. The
limitations of civil unions mean, at least in the United States, that the gay
community sees them as offering diminished legal status in comparison to
Posted by Worldmeets.US
Without a doubt, Obama's statements will have a strong
impact in an election year, especially taking into account the current militancy
of the gay movement. In our country, although civil unions between same-sex
couples are legalized, offering the same rights and obligations as families
formed by marriage, it isn’t always clear that the institution of marriage is
based on a union between a man and a woman. In addition to this, in Ecuador only
opposite-sex couples have the right to adopt. Will there come a time in our
country in which the gay community becomes dissatisfied with civil unions and begins
advocating the legalization of gay marriage?
leJDD, France:
Gay Marriage: Obama Puts His Finger to Political Wind
Causeur, France:
Gays in the Military? … The Greeks Had it Right
Franve TV, France:
Is France Behind America
on Same-Sex Marriage?
NU, The Netherlands:
Marriage in America: ‘Man, Woman and God’
Guardian, U.K.:
How Obama's Gay Marriage Move Changes Presidential Race
CenarioMT, Brazil:
Gay Marriage: 70
Years from Disease to
Presidential Blessing
The Zimbabwe Mail, Zimbabwe:
Obama's Gay Stance ‘Worst Form of Satanism’
La Informacion, U.S.:
In Latin America, Only Argentine Leader Stands with Obama
Liberation, France:
Mr. Obama and Gay Marriage: ‘Courage’
Mail & Guardian, South Africa:
South Africa: Pride, Vigilance, on Gay Rights
Globa & Mail, Canada:
From Obama, a Bid to Broaden Stream of American Life
Toronto Star, Canada:
Obama Tilts Scales Toward Compassion and Equity
Macleans, Canada:
Obama Passes the Leadership Test
Irish Times, Ireland
Mr. Obama's 'Brave and Welcome' Move
Irish Examiner, Ireland: Let's Be Honest About How We Live Our Lives
Independent, U.K.:
'Full Marks' to President Barack Obama
Independent, U.K.:
At last, Obama Asks U.S. to Open Door to Acceptance
Guardian, U.K.
Obama's Historic Affirmation of Gay Marriage
Economist, U.K.: Good for Obama; But Bad for Gay Marriage
Telegraph, U.K.: Import of U.S. Culture War Backfires on Cameron
I hope not, since the institution of marriage is seen as legal
and natural, and based solely on the union between a man and a woman. This is
not just a problem of semantics or prejudice but the pure reality of the law,
which is firm in its intent to reject homophobia without altering the essence
of our legal institutions. What would be acceptable in terms of overcoming
discrimination would be the expansion of existing legislation on civil unions, taking
into account alternative relationships between people of the same sex. And
added to the debate will be added, as happens from time to time, the fervor,
passion and even idle talk of those who are in favor and against.