Bundestag Releases UFO Report; Humanity Still the 'Crown of Creation' (Der Tagesspiegel, Germany)


"Will ET never communicate with us; will there never be a Close Encounter of the Third Kind? 'No,' say Bundestag researchers, who listed in their ten-page report anyone and anything of importance to substantiate this assertion. … That humanity is and remains the crown of creation is an opinion shared by the authors of this report. However, what explains the many witnesses who swear they've seen UFOs - including military personnel and others who cannot be suspected of being prone to fantastical notions?"


By Ralf Schönball


Translated By Stephanie Martin


August 31, 2015


Germany - Der Tagesspiegel - Original Article (German)

There are many related files that remain top secret, which is why conspiracy theories and fantasies about UFOs and extraterrestrial life abound. Whether they have in fact already landed - at Area 51 in the Nevada desert, for example, or in the lignite mining areas of the Lausitz region - is what one Christian Democratic Union Bundestag member wants to know. Yet it took a Supreme Court decision for a top-secret report by the Bundestag Research Service to finally be brought into the public spotlight.


Landing by extraterrestrials 'out of the question'


The sad news for all those for whom the world is not enough is: the federal government considers "an extraterrestrial landing on the soil of the Federal Republic of Germany, according to the current state of scientific knowledge, out of the question." Considering the fact that France and Britain are preoccupied with the existence of UFOs and extraterrestrial life would seem to suggest that German agencies and ministries would also be so occupied. However, no such thing was confirmed in this case.


So will ET never communicate with us; will there never be a Close Encounter of the Third Kind?


"No," say Bundestag researchers, who listed in their ten-page report anyone and anything of importance to substantiate this assertion. Even for sympathizers of the supernatural, it is hard to persevere when confronted with the weight of these arguments.  There is, for instance, Nobel Prize winner and physicist Enrico Fermi [1901-1954], who calculated the probability of life in outer space. According to Fermi, a civilization capable of interstellar colonization would long ago have conquered the entire galaxy. He said that to do so would have taken the extraterrestrials no more than 50 million years. Our Milky Way is considerably older than that, yet as far as we know, none but humanity has dominated the earth.


SETI and electromagnetic waves


Speaking against the existence of flying saucers is the decades-long search for telltale signals in the universe. The radio telescopes of Project SETI, for instance, scan the universe for electromagnetic radiation from extraterrestrials, because this is the "easiest and most likely possibility" of "discovering extraterrestrial life in the near future [interview with SETI's Seth Shostak, upper right]." Critics would argue that such thinking is far too anthropomorphic: Just because, as a result of radio and television signals from its inhabitants, the Earth is likely to attract the most attention in the universe, doesn’t mean by a long shot that extraterrestrials utilize the same signals. This is particularly true considering the fact that most of these transmissions are garbage.




After all, scientists concede: even lasers could serve as signals – and there is no systematic examination being conducted along those lines. Neither do scientists discount the possibility of life out there somewhere in some form. However, they prefer to call it "signs of life" and warn that "this in no way refers to complex organisms let alone intelligent life." Life is conceivable on planets situated at a distance from a star similar to the Earth’s distance from the Sun. "Based on carbon, nitrogen, and water," simple life forms could develop anywhere in the universe.


Humans remain 'crown of creation'


That humanity is and remains the crown of creation is an opinion shared by the authors of this report. However, what explains the many witnesses who swear they've seen UFOs - including military personnel and others who cannot be suspected of being prone to fantastical notions?


"The federal government has no knowledge of so-called UFOs sightings," said then-Chief of Staff of the Chancellery Peter Altmaier as early as 2008. So why in 1978 did the United Nations encourage states to hunt for UFOs? Because, the scientists say, during the Cold War, the development of "new aircraft and spy satellites by military opponents provided an opportunity to better address such issues." In short, "UFOs" are from the east.

Posted by Worldmeets.US


With a steady stream of news reports on the interest of the CIA and the Pentagon in weather modification and climate...

Posted by WorldMeetsUS on Sunday, March 8, 2015


File from German intelligence


The universe, aka/the final frontier, nevertheless provides boundless room for speculation. This will by no means satisfy stubborn UFO adepts. For instance, the editor of the Web site grenz/wissenschaft aktuell [boundary/science blog spot] dug up another UFO file from the Foreign Intelligence Service [the Bundesnachrichtendienst or BND] that is supposed to remain sealed until 2021. File B206/1914 from the Federal Archives in Coblenz is keeping the issue of extraterrestrials alive: On August 26, 1986, three officers working the night shift at the Puttgarten border control and ferry station observed an unidentified flying object hovering outside the window of their office. And with the thoroughness expected of Germans, one is quoted as saying: "Please initiate UFO procedure!"




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[Posted by Worldmeets.US Aug. 31, 8:39am]



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