
Jenny Parbhu, whose sister was killed during September 11,

2001, cries during a ceremony in New York, Sept. 11, 2008.



Critica, Panama

September 11: The Worst-Ever Attack on Humanity


"After September 11, 2001, the world was never to be the same, but hopefully an act so terrible will never be repeated. Peace must prevail in the world. Fanatics and great powers must understand that the earth's inhabitants reject war."




Translated By Virginia Gillenwater


September 11, 2008


Panama - Critica - Original Article (Spanish)

the 'Tribute in Light' over the World Trade Center site, Sept. 11, 2008. Like no other day on the calender, 9-11 remains like an open wound to Americans and people around the world.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Report on the Twin Tower attacks, September 11, 2001, 00:9:48 RealVideo

No one can forget that on September 11, history registered the worst attack on humanity. At least six thousand nationals from 40 of the world's countries died in the attack on the twin towers of the World Trade Center seven years ago.


Today there will be tributes in many parts of the world to remember those who fell in world history's worst terrorist act. What happened on September 11, 2001 in what is called Ground Zero in New York will enter our minds once again. 



Despite the efforts of Washington to strengthen its security, particularly on airlines, some reports indicate that the Northern colossus continues to be vulnerable to chemical, biological, and nuclear attack. Perhaps with the passing of the years, the fear that invaded the world because of the attack perpetrated by religious fanatics has diminished, but the danger lingers.


After September 11, 2001, the world was never to be the same, but hopefully an act so terrible will never be repeated. Peace must prevail in the world. Fanatics and great powers must understand that the earth's inhabitants reject war.


This day also marks 35 years since the military coup against Chilean President Salvador Allende . He was the first Marxist leader to assume power through democratic means.


It's no secret that the United States promoted the coup headed by General Augusto Pinochet , who later established an iron dictatorship to which are attributed over 3,000 political assassinations and thousands of disappearances during the 17-year regime. Without doubt, that was another of the United States' foreign policy mistakes.











































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US September 13, 12:59pm]