After his speech at Berlin's Victory Tower, Obama is greeted

By some of the hundreds of thousands who came to hear him.



Cotidianul, Romania

Obama's Victory Would 'Revive America's Image' in the Eyes of Ordinary People …


"Anti-Americanism has always been a topic of discussion in Western Europe, even a common one, especially among the intelligentsia. But the reign of George W. Bush gave a patina of legitimacy to European prejudices and brought into line the attitudes of intellectuals, politicians and the masses against the United States. In the Bush era, the American century plumbed its lowest depths and anti-Americanism became the new global religion."


By Adrian Deoanca


Translated By Mircea Ionescu


July 27, 2008


Romania - Cotidianul - Original Article (Romanian)

Senator Obama at Berlin's Victory Column: He appears to many Europeans as the antithesis of Bush, which goes a long way toward explaining his wild popularity there.


BBC NEWS VIDEO: Obama tells Berliners that the U.S.and Europe have grown apart and its time for them to come back together, July 24, 00:02:58. RealVideo

Barack Obama was greeted like a superstar in Berlin. He wasn't acclaimed for his indisputable talent at oratory, but because he's the antithesis of the much-derided current president. The senator is a lot like a European, while Bush is perceived as the embodiment of the lack of high culture and barbarism which is often - and too often wrongly - attributed to America and Americans. Unlike Bush, Obama seems to oppose a patriotism that verges on nationalism, which frightens a Europe that wants to be post-national; and he appears to advocate a middle path between a pragmatic liberalism and an attenuated form of socialism that is closest to the European spirit.   



Anti-Americanism has always been a topic of discussion in Western Europe, even a common one, especially among the intelligentsia. But the reign of George W. Bush gave a patina of legitimacy to European prejudices and brought into line the attitudes of intellectuals, politicians and the masses against the United States, and made ridiculing Bush a habit in cafes and eateries. In the Bush era, the American century plumbed its lowest depths and anti-Americanism became the new global religion.


The vehemence of the political class dissipated with the ascension of the Merkel-Sarkozy duo at the head of the Franco-German condominium - the eternal anti-American tuning-forks of the Western world. But the resentment of the intellectuals is rather impossible to stop. Reputable scholars, from Umberto Eco  to Habermas , still decry the position of supremacy that Europe lost to America, and consider the mass culture exported by the United States as a perpetual threat to what should be a more-refined European spirit. Consequently, Obama's rise can only improve the way Europeans feel about the American masses. The repositioning of the United States in terms of the preferences of ordinary people may be the most important consequence of Obama's European tour and the potential of his mandate as president. In other words, the rehabilitation of the market value of the United States as an export product.




But given the underlying negative feelings that exist among Europeans, the anti-American continuum will again reach a climax if, like Bill Clinton who made history by bombarding Serbia, Obama decides to put on his cowboy boots.
















































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US Aug. 3, 9:45pm]