Muslims tribal leaders protest in support of the Iraqi-U.S.
agreement. Meanwhile, lawmakers loyal to Shiite cleric
Moqtada al-Sadr shouted down the National Assembly's
of the pact, which would allow US troops to remain.
Azzaman, Iraq
Demonstration in Five Years' Held in Support of U.S. Security Deal
"Thousands of the province's
inhabitants participated in this demonstration, including tribal leaders,
members of the upper class, Salah ad-Din authorities, political groups, civic
groups and the Salah ad-Din masses. They are here to express their support for
the security agreement, and the inclusion of a timetable for withdrawal of
American forces."
-- Farhan al-'Aoud,
provincial advisor to Prime Minister Maliki
By Mazin Abdul Hamid
Translated By Jenny Oliver
November 19, 2008
- Azzaman - Original Article (Arabic)
Tikrit: A mass demonstration in support of the
American-Iraqi security agreement, which includes a timetable for the
withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq, got underway on Wednesday morning in Tikrit [95 miles north of Baghdad]. The protesters set off on
foot at 9am from the headquarters of the Public Union for the Farmer's
Cooperative in the downtown part of the city. They
toward the Salah ad-Din Province [map left
] Administrative
Building, declaring their support for the security deal and demanding
amendments to the Constitution. The demonstrators also called for a release of
detainees held in American prisons and for Iraqi legal sovereignty all
[Editor's Note: Tikrit is the 1937 birthplace of Saddam Hussein and was a
hotbed of the Sunni insurgency. According to U.S. forces, after the fall of
Baghdad Saddam was captured in a hole in the ground some 15 miles away].
Farhan al-'Aoud, provincial
advisor to Prime Minister Maliki and leader of the demonstration, said, “This
huge gathering was organized by the tribes and authorities of Salah ad-Din.
Thousands of the province's inhabitants participated in this demonstration,
including tribal leaders, members of the upper class, Salah ad-Din authorities,
political groups, society's civic organizations and the Salah ad-Din masses.
They are here to express their support for the security agreement, and the
inclusion of a timetable for withdrawal of American forces from Iraq. In
addition to the other demands, they also support changing some articles of the
Constitution, which were written in too much of a hurry.”
Sheikh Mohammad Hassan 'Atiya, president of the Union for the Farmer's Cooperative,
said, “Farmers support President Nouri al-Malaki's
efforts to include a timetable for
withdrawal in the security agreement; this is a Union for Iraqis. We also
support changes to articles of the Iraqi Constitution and calls for the release
of Iraqi detainees held by American forces.”
The demonstration, which was
the largest demonstration in five years, lasted two hours and ended without
November 21, 12:55am]