Taking inspiration from the historic protests that ended Hosni

Mubarak's rule in Egypt, Wisconsinites express displeasure with

there governor, Scott Walker, and a law limiting the collective

bargaining rights of union workers in the state.



Al Messa, Egypt

Egypt Inspires People in U.S. and Around the World


"Everyone recognizes the change that Egyptians have achieved. The situation has gone so far that the West has begun to hold Egypt up as an example. Recently in the U.S. state of Wisconsin, protests were held opposing a bill limiting the rights of trade unions. What was so astonishing was that the protesters held up signs reading: 'One World, One People, Inspired By Egypt', 'Egypt=18 days ... Wisconsin=???,' and 'Egypt is Our Inspiration.'"


By Hamad Hassan


Translated By Mustapha Riat


April 1, 2011


Egypt - Al Messa - Original Article (Arabic)

A Wisconsin protester shows where he gets at least some of his inspiration, Feb. 23.


BBC VIDEO NEWS: British report on Wisconsin protests, Feb. 22, 00:02:32RealVideo

"Today, we are all Egyptians. I came to demonstrate my solidarity and the solidarity of the United Nations with the Egyptian revolution." That was the beginning of a message by U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon addressed to Egyptians via Sakia Alsawi [culturewheel.com], stressing: "We are putting all the capabilities of the U.N. and the international community at the disposal of democratic change in Egypt.” [Translated quote].


But the matter hardly stops with the declaration by Ban Ki-moon or those of other Western officials, whether from Europe or the United States. Everyone recognizes the change that Egyptians have achieved. The situation has gone so far that the West has begun to hold Egypt up as an example.


Recently in the U.S. state of Wisconsin, the world witnessed protesters expressing opposition to a bill limiting the rights of trade unions in the state. What was so astonishing was that the protesters held up signs reading: "One World, One People, Inspired By Egypt", "Egypt=18 days ... Wisconsin=???," "Egypt is Our Inspiration." Another sign read, "The Egyptian Revolution Succeeded in Toppling a Corrupt Regime in 18 days. How Long Will it Take Wisconsin?" In other words, the Egyptian revolution lit the way. Another sign, "Egypt Showed the Way - Down with the Dictator." A fourth poster, "Help from the Egyptian Revolution.”    



In Hungary as well, there were protests against a new media law. News agencies broadcast photographs of Hungarians with signs warning, “I Could Be an Egyptian," in other words, in revolt.


The entire world is looking on us with respect and envy but unfortunately we seem to be shooting ourselves in the foot. Particularly after the referendum on amending the Constitution. The “yes” vote won overwhelmingly. Unfortunately most academics, writers and researchers overlook the fact that the overwhelming "yes" vote had less to do with the wording of the amendments than for a desire for stability. In fact, what was the difference between stability and the amendments?! Isn’t approval of the latter the way to achieve the former?!


A protester in Egypt's Tahrir Square shows his support for

workers demonstrating for their rights in Wisconsin.


Especially since there is real substance to the amendment requiring that the Constitution be completely redrafted. That was a fundamental demand of opponents who voted “no” on the referendum. Those who supported the amendments have a responsibility to prove that "yes" voters were right. These are people who cry at the greatest moment of joy and pride. And it's no surprise, since that is the nature of being Egyptian.  


[Editor's Note on the 2011 Egyptian Constitutional Referendum: While Amendment Article 189 requires the newly-elected parliament to write a new constitution within 60 days, opponents argued that the way the new parliament is to be elected will not guarantee that all strata of society are fairly represented in the process].


[Graphic courtesy of Wikipedia]



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[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US April 9, 9:39pm]


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