VIDEOS: Global Coverage of Nepal Quake and Aftermath (Web, Nepal, India, U.K., France, Turkey, Russia)


These are the better videos on the Nepal quake collected over the past 24 hours. There is both remarkable footage from people on the scene and segments from established broadcasters like BBC, Euronews, NewsX India, NTV India, ASP News India, and Kantipur TV Nepal, Soztv Turkey and Ruptly and RT of Russia.


April 26, 2015


United States - Worldmeets.US Video Package - (English)

It's the land where the Buddha was born, the land of the most beautiful and forbidding mountains in the world, and having lived there at one point in my life, I well recall the incredible natural beauty alongside the grinding poverty of Nepal, one of the poorest and one of the most densely populated countries on the planet. The Nepalese people have not been lucky when it comes to politics or modern history, and now, geology. No one knows how many people have been killed. The number of casualties being quoted will double and triple and perhaps quadruple before this is over, and the most devastated areas, even in the best of times, have very little contact with the outside world and meager public utilities - if any. These people were the poorest of the poor before the quake, so self-help in this case is a limited proposition at best.:


On behalf of the people of Nepal, who I have known and love, I urge you to give what you can to the usual donative suspects such as the Red Cross, or perhaps a smaller organization if you know and trust it. Rarely is help needed as badly as it in now in that land at the top of the world. Assuming people give to reliable organizations, the money will help someone in desperate need of that aid. Nothing could be more clear. -- Managing Editor William Kern


This first video is one of those incredible scenes that emerges out of situations like this. A crowd is gathered around a hotel that appears to be crumbling - and I believe there are people on the second story. Suddenly - it collapses and the crowd flees for their lives. This is from India's Telugu News:



Next we have video of an American band apparently on holiday in Nepal and practicing their music just as the quake hits. One would have to call it remarkable:




Next is footage of a rescue by members of the Nepal military. Soldiers climb into a devestated house and pull out a man entombed in rubble:



Turkish tourists were caught in the wrong place at the right time, and captured this footage of historic Durbar Square just as the quake struck. Note the reaction of the birds:



BBC is doing some great work from the ground. This report is one of its most recent and includes footage of some of the recovery operations and addresses questions how many more people may have been killed yet have not yet been found:



Next are two segments from Kantipur TV, Nepal - where the livestream is offline right now, but reporters are apparently roaming the country doing stories nonetheless. These segments were broadcasted by South Africa Public Televion and ASI News of India:





Next is an incredible piece of footage from the BBC's Justin Rowlatt who was taking a walk through Kathmandu when a large aftershock strikes; another on the aftershock; and then a segment of raw footage from Ruptly of a crowd panicking as the aftershock hits:





Here are two segments from climbers on Mount Everest just as the quake struck. Apparently it snowed all night at the site - and that's no help:




This is a segment from a Kathmandu hotel CCTV aimed at the hotel pool. The power of the quake is recorded in the most graphic way by the water:



This is a Hindi-language stroll through the histoc heart of Kathmandu - Durbar Square, from ASP News, India:



Euronews suggests in this video segment that warnings about the danger of a killer quake may have gone unheeded. Of course, heeding the warning would likely have meant rebuilding almost all housing and infrustructure in Nepal:



This is an English-language news report from India's NewsX: India is mounting a massive aid operation and the India media is all in:




Finally, a series of additional segments on the global response and more on the aftershocks:







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Posted By Worldmeets.US January 27, 2015, 8:26am









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