Michelle Obama, left, as
India Prime Minister Modi embraces
President Obama in what India
media has dubbed 'The Hug.'
Visit through Indian Eyes (India Broadcasters)
News segments and programs
provided by Headline News, NDTV, RajyaSabha
TV, The News Hour, Times Now, News X, Newsone, Bollywood Call,
the India Prime Minister's Office, the India President's Office and the Indian Foreign Ministry.
As Vice President Joe Biden might say, President Obama's
visit to India was a "Big Fu#@in' Deal." If the logjam in the civilian nuclear
deal first negotiated by George W. Bush and former India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is now broken, as we are being told; and if
the U.S. and India have now opened a new chapter in military cooperation as it
appears, it will amount to a geostrategic earthquake, particularly for China
and Pakistan. This is a video diary of President Obama's trip using exclusively
English-language Indian media, including news segments,
major press conferences; roundtable discussions with Indian analysts,
journalists and talking heads, and video from Prime Minister NerendraModi's Office, which
provided some remarkable high definition footage of various events, including
the entire annual Republic Day Parade, at which President Obama was the first
U.S. leader ever to appear.
Because we assume the event of greatest interest is India's 66th Republic Day Parade, we post that first. Provided by the Prime
Minister of India's Office, the video, in glorious high definition, is narrated
in English and Hindi. It runs for 2 hours and 17 minutes. VIDEO - Obama the
Guest at 66th Republic Day Parade (India PM's Office):
Before we go any further, this program
from India's RajyaSabha TV
offered a half-hour review of the history of U.S. relations with India from
before the country achieved independence from Britain in 1947 up to today. It
is interesting to note that despite its democratic credentials, India was a
close ally of the Soviet Union until its collapse, with Pakistan acting as
Washington's bulwark in the area: VIDEO - Special Report on the History of
Indo-U.S. Relations (RajyaSabha
TV, India):
DAY ONE - January 25
So let's begin at the beginning. Breaking protocol and
highlighting the significance of the visit to India, Prime Minister NerendraModi welcomed President Obama at
the airport and tightly embraced him as he and first lady Michelle
deplaned Air Force One. It has been dubbed by Indian commentators - "The Hug." Watch
carefully though and you'll see that it was the president who pulled Modo in: VIDEO - Modi Welcomes
Obama with Big Hug (NDTV, India):
Despite widespread excitement and warmth expressed over
President Obama's visit, there were protests, including this one by the Communist Party of India: VIDEO: Communist Pary Cadres Protest Obama Visit to India (Newsone, India):
After President Obama arrived, he was welcomed by an honor
guard and a carefully selected group of dignitaries at RashtrapatiBhawan, the prime minister's official residence. This
is a high-def video issued by Modi's office. From
this one could see that New Delhi was pulling out all the stops. This is about
30 minutes: VIDEO - Obama, Modi Take in Guard of
Honor at RashtrapatiBhawan
(India PM's Office):
Then India's External Affairs Ministry posted this segment
of President Obama laying a wreath at the tomb of Mahatma Ghandi:
VIDEO - Obama VisitsGhandi's
Tomb (MEA India):
Then we have a 20-minute piece of footage without commentary
of Obama and Modi walking in the garden at Hyderabad
House, and then having tea out in the open before the assembled media. It's an
interesting clip that really shows through body language that these men do
indeed like one another a great deal. VIDEO - Obama and Modi
Walk in Graden and Have Tea (Bollywood
Call, India):
Thenif you would like to see the footage with commentary, Headlines
Today delivers: VIDEO - Modi, Obama 'Walk the Talk'
at Hyderabad House (Headlines Today, India):
Then, following events in sequence, President Obama and
Prime Minister Modi held a press conference at which
it was announced that the logjam in the civilian nuclear deal first signed by
former President Bush and former Prime Minister Singh in 2008 had been broken.
The main sticking point is an Indian law passed after the 1984 Bhophal disaster that would make American nuclear energy
companies liable for related accidents in India, which is why little or no
business has been conducted since the deal was signed six years ago. The press
conference is notable for Modi's soaring rhetoric
about what this and other aspects of Obama's trip mean. The event is entirely
in English: VIDEO: Modi, Obama Press Conference in
Delhi (India PM's Office):
Next up we have a RajyaSabha TV news segment onhow the nuclear logjam was broken in
terms of the liabilty for accidents in India: VIDEO - Breaking the Accident Liability Logjam (RajyaSabha TV, India):
Then a 13 minute roundtable debate on the press conference
from RajyaSabha TV. It is
hard to make out the names of the panelists (what they say about the U.S. and
Britain is also true of the U.S. and India: two countries separated by the same
language), but one is from the Times of India, there is a former ambassador, and
an editor from India's Daily Express: VIDEO - Modi-Obama
Press Conference Panel (RajyaSabha
TV, India):
Which brings is to The News Hour Debate. This program
examines whether President Obama's visit and recent comments from U.S. leaders
amount to a snub to Pakistan for being a lauching pad
for terrorist activity. As I have written before, if you think Americans yell
at one another, you will never believe this. The debate is "moderated" by Editor-in-Chief
ArnabGoswami, who is more
like a prosecutor. He and his Indian guests relentlessly question the
Pakistanis on the program about the country's involvement in terrorist
activity, ask them how they "feel" about being snubbed by the world's leading
power, and try and get them to admit that their country is a failed state. If
you have the patience to watch, it is an extraordinary display. The panelists
include two Pakistanis - former spokesman for Pakistan's former dictator
General Musharraf and Defence
Analyst and retired Major General Rashid Qureshi; the
Indians are retired Major General and editor of the Military Review G. D. Bakshi; Times Now Consulting Editor in Strategic AffarisMaroofRaza; Convener of the ruling BJP Foreign Affairs Cell Sheshadri Chari; and retired Air Vice Marshall AbidRao: VIDEO - Is Obama's Trip
aMajor Snub
for Pakistan? (The News Hour, Times Now):
Now, the question of who deserves credit for this breakthrough
in Indo-U.S. relations has become a major political
issue, with the Congress Party upset for not getting credit for the deal that
was first signed by former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with George W. Bush. Opposition Congress Party members remind that the now-ruling BJP voted against the deal on
2008, say that their achievement is being ignored and that people should't get carried away without reading the fine print of
what has now been agreed to: VIDEO - Congress Complains that Nuclear Deal was Singed Over BJP Objections and that it Deserves Credit
(Headlines Today, India):
Next is a News Hour Debate on who the end of the
six-year-old nuclear logjam benefits most. This exchange again highlights sour grapes
on the part of the Congress Party, which wants the credit for getting the deal
signed in the first place. Chief prosecutor and editor-in-chief ArnabGoswamiscolds
Congress Party representatives relentlessly over this. Panalists
include retired Major General and editor of the Military Review G. D. Bakshi; Consulting Editor for Strategic Affairs at Times
NowMaroofRaza; The National Secretary of the ruling BJP SiddharthNath Singh; Cogress Party National Spokeman
C.R. Kesavan; Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru
University's Center for Comparative Politics and Political Theory KamalMitraChenoy;
activist SatinathSarangi;
and Consulting Fellow at the Institute for Defence
Studies and Analyses G Balachandran: VIDEO: Is
Nuclear Deal a Win-Win for Both Sides? (The News Hour, Times Now):
Continuing with the theme and showing the significance of
Obama's visit to Indian domestic politics, we have another News Hour Debate
heaping scorn of the Congress Party. Once again, combative host ArnabGoswami relentlessly
skewers Congress Party representatives for failing to accomplish what Prime
Minister Modi's ruling BJP has. The program's
description starts out with: 'Tonight, a bitter Congress asks questions about
transparency over nuclear deal breakthrough, after its own policy paralysis
left the deal frozen for six years.' Panelists include Union Minister of State,
Minister of Information and Broadcasting and Congress MP Manish Tewari; journalist Kumar Ketkar;
BJP National Spokesman NalinKohli;ShiromaniAkaliDal member of the RajyaSabha (upper House) NareshGujral; Former diplomat RakeshSood; and consulting
editor of Strategic Affairs MaroofRaza: VIDEO - NarendraModi Outdone Manmohan Singh (The
News Hour, Times Now):
Next are segments that relate to Beijing's reaction to what
could bring greater U.S. influence right up to China's long and disputed border
with India. First, a segment of India's News X: VIDEO - Wary China Paints Obama
the 'Villain' (News X, India):
Then, a four minute News X roundtable on whether warming
U.S.-India ties are aimed at China: VIDEO - 'Improving Indo-U.S. Ties not
Aimed at Countering China' says BJP (News X, India):
Then a 14-minute roundtable from Headlines Today on China's
reaction, which highlights a statement from Beijing that: "there is no need for India and the United States to concern
themselves over the South China Sea": VIDEO: China Tells U.S.-India No Need to
Worry About South China Sea (Headlines Today, India):
Finally for January 25, India President ShriPranabMukherjee's
speech on the eve of Republic Day. This has nothing to do with President
Obama or the United States, but it does reflect that
India is a great nation with deep traditions and great patriotism as well. If
you have gotten this far, you might find it worth watching: VIDEO - President ShriPranabMukherjee's
Address on Eve of Republic Day (India President's Office)
Posted By Worldmeets.US
DAY TWO - January 26
Day two began with President Obama's much-heralded attendence at the 66th Republic Day parade, where he was
the first American head of state ever to appear - although Bill Clinton was
once invited but couldn't make it. Obama was out in the open for hours - which
must have been worrying for the Secret Service, since up to now, Obama hasn't
been out in the open for more than 45 minutes at a
time. You will note the preponderance of female-led military units at the parade, which is part of a new push in the country to better the situation for Indian women and improve the nation's image after a string of scandals surrounding the rape of Indian and foreign women. Posted by the Prime Minister of India's office, the video in glorious
high definition is narrated in English and Hindi. It runs for 2 hours and 17
minutes. VIDEO - Obama the Guest at 66th Republic Day Parade (India PM's Office):
Then we have a post parade interview with former Deputy
National Security Advisor LeelaPonappa
from RajyaSabha TV: VIDEO
- Post-Parade Wrap-Up with LeelaPonapp
(RajyaSabha TV, India):
Next, Obama attended a state banquet in his honor and made
comments to the audience. This is footage and commentary of the event from
Headlines Today: VIDEO: Obama Addresses Guests at State Banquet (Headlines
Today, India):
President Obama was then whisked to the prime minister's
residence RashtraptiBhavan
for what India calls an "at home" - which must have given the Secret Service a conniption and a half: open air tea for Obama with tens of
thousands people eager to shake his and first lady Michelle's hand: VIDEO -
President Obama's in House at RashtrapatiBhavan (NDTV, India):
Next on the agenda was the India-U.S. CEOs' Business Forum. Modi and Obama both addressed the group, and Modi promised he would 'personally monitor' all major
projects and that India is looking for 'heavy investment in infrastructure and
agriculture in India to boost purchasing power and grow the economy': VIDEO:
Obama and Modi ad the India-U.S. CEOs' Business Forum
(India PM's Office):
Then we have a post-meeting wrap-up from News X on what was
said and accomplished at the CEO Summit: VIDEO - Obama and Modi
Talk Business at the Taj Hotel (News X, India):
Then we have a panel on the economic consequences of the new
with a special focus on nuclear energy with General
Atomics CEO Dr. VivekLall
and a former director of the IMF, Dr. ArvindVirmani.: VIDEO - State of the Economy - Fallout of Modi-Obama Talks (RajyaSabha TV, India):
Finally for January 26, this is the debate show of Headlines Today "Nothing But the Truth," where a discussion is held on what President
Obama's visit has achieved. The host, senior journalist Karan Thapar, welcomes panelists former Ambassador to the United
States Meera Shankar, Strategic Affairs Editor of the
Business Times AjaiShukla,
Foreign Editor at the Hindustan Times Pramit Pal Chaudhuri, South Asia Bureau Chief of the Economist Adam
Roberts, South Asia Bureau Chief of the Wall Street Journal Gordon Fairclough, and a former foreign secretary whose name we
could not make out or confirm: VIDEO - Namaste Obama - What did the Visit Achieve?
(Nothing But the Truth, Headlines Today):
And Part II:
DAY THREE - January 27
President Obama appeared on a nationwide radio program hosted by Prime Minister Modi. The program, Mann Ki Baat, is about a half hour long, and is in Hindi. English subtitles are provided and of course, Obama speaks English. The two men field questions from the audience and spend some time talking about their lives: AUDIO: Modi Hosts Obama on Nationwide Radio Program (Mann Ki Baat, India PM's Office):
The only other item on President Obama's schedule for January 27 before flying to Saudi Arabia to meet with that nation's new king was a speech at the Siri Fort Auditorium in New Delhi. The president spoke to an audience of mostly young people about the rapidity of change and the chances for people who are discriminmated against, including women and minorities, to achieve equality; the urgency of climate change; and the great potential of the United States and India to build greater ties of all kinds including greater buisiness ties: VIDEO: Obama Talks Equality at Siri Fort Auditorium (Times Now, India):