[Novosti, Russia]
Komsomolskaya Pravda, Russia
Russians Sound Off
on What Obama Will Bring
The inauguration of Barack
Obama, the 44th president of the United States of America, took
place yesterday. Question of the day: What can Russia expect from the
new president of the United States?
Translated By Yekaterina Blinova
January 21, 2009
Russia -
KP.RU Komsomol - Original Article (Russian)
Mikhail Margelov, Chairman
of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of Russia
- We should
expect a hand extended in our direction. The new president, whether he likes it
or not, will be forced to engage in a dialogue with Russia.
Sergei Markov,
representative in the State Duma, director of the Institute of Political
- This will mean nothing new,
since foreign policy isn't shaped by the president but by the wider American
political elite. With regard to Russia, there is a clear consensus. So we'll
still have to fight for our independence within the system of great powers.
Alexei Mukhin,
director of the Center for Political Information
- Obama translated from Arabic means "blessed,"
which instills hope. But he's held hostage by the heavy legacy left behind by
Bush, so nothing good can be expected in the near term.
Alexei Leonov, pilot-cosmonaut,
twice Hero of the Soviet Union
- There will be a
"thaw" in relations between Russia and the United States. America
will continue to fight for its interests, but we will negotiate and there will
not be war. That’s for sure.
Roman Grebennikov, mayor of Volgograd [formerly
- First, the serious and well thought-out action in the area of the American
economy, upon which, unfortunately, the world is very much dependent. Second,
as a politician, Bush was impulsive and unpredictable and I hope Obama's
foreign policy posture is more constructive.
Benya Penyon, Belgian
news agency "Belga:"
- I would guess that Obama
will increase the level of contacts and the effectiveness of cooperation with
Russia within the framework of international organizations. One can also expect
an intensification of cooperation in search of commonly acceptable measures of
combat the global financial crisis.
Darya Mironova,
parapsychologist, a contestant on the Battle of the Psychics:
- Obama is more democratic, but
in relation to Russian, he will try to dictate terms or even demand a number of
economic sanctions, although overall, his policies will turn out to be
friendlier than those under Bush.
Yuriy Stoyanov, People's Artist of Russia [an
actor that has been recognized by the state]:
- I would ask, rather, what
Obama can expect from us. This is an American president, so Americans should be
the ones with expectations. We should worry about something else: what we can
expect from our own president.
Margo, KP.RU reader:
- I don't expect anything good from Obama. Too many
of his close advisers possess outdated stereotypes about Russia.
[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US January 21,