[The Times, U.K.]



Le Figaro, France

Obama Superstar: 'Mission Accomplished'


"The enthusiastic welcome extended to him showed how much he has already contributed, solely by his presence at this stage in the presidential race, to restoring America's luster. It's been a long time since the United States benefited from such a public relations exercise overseas."


EDITORIAL by Pierre Rousselin



Translated By Kate Davis


July 26, 2008


France - Le Figaro - Original Article (French)

French President Nicolas Sarkozy: He appears to have laid down his bet on who the next U.S. president will be.


THE TELEGRAPH TV: Senator Obama meets Tony Blair and British Prime Minister Gorden Brown, July 26, 00:02:07. RealVideo

Mission accomplished. Barack Obama returns to the United States having succeeded in his emergence into the wider world. Reputed to be inexperienced because he only has three years of his term as senator behind him, the Democratic candidate has shown that he has no difficulty dealing with the international scene.


Europeans, for their part, were able to verify for themselves the formidable effectiveness of the campaign of the first Black man to run for the presidency of the United States. The “Obamania” sweeping Europe has only been reinforced.


We must recognize that the charisma and seductive power he displayed in Germany brought to mind John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan. But the comparison is misleading: although the two former heads of state wrote a page of history in Berlin, it was because they embodied the leading power on the planet, and at crucial moments during the Cold War.


Barack Obama had come to the symbolic city to get himself elected. That's very different, although, there again, he was a complete success: the enthusiastic welcome extended to him by 200,000 Berliners showed how much he has already contributed, solely by his presence at this stage in the presidential race, to restoring America's luster. It's been a long time since the United States benefited from such a public relations exercise overseas.


If the Democratic candidate is elected in November, the Obama effect will be compounded and the reconciliation between Paris and Washington will be even more justified than it is now.




In receiving his guest at the Elysée Palace, Nicolas Sarkozy could therefore note with pride how much “the French love the Americans.” The face of the United States presented by Barack Obama, this “convergence of views,” on so many issues, comes just at the right time to justify the return of our country to NATO's unified command and the search for better transatlantic relations. 



Afghanistan will be the first test for the next American administration, whoever leads it. Barack Obama intends to ask Europeans to do more. He didn't explain how he plans to win that increasingly bogged down war. If he hopes to get the allies to make additional sacrifices, he's going to have to use all of his powers of persuasion to convince the European public and governments that the game is worth the candle.




A superstar in Berlin, anointed in Paris, Barack Obama will have to come down to earth and plunge back into the election campaign. His European triumph won't automatically make him the next president of the United States.


After the success of his tour, he will have to take care not to add his name to the long list of politicians that became more popular abroad than in their own countries: Tony Blair, Mikhail Gorbachev, Lech Walesa …









































[Posted by WORLDMEETS.US July 26, 5:36pm]

Itinerary of Barack Obama's world tour.

Pew Global Attitudes Project July 16, 2008